Squirrels United!

In the enchanted Dark Forest, squirrels lived in isolation, each focused solely on their own tasks. This solitary way of life led to inefficiency and a poor standard of living. The wise Squirrel King knew that only by working together could the squirrels achieve prosperity. To motivate them, he announced that whoever collected a gazillion nuts would receive a golden nut, a mythical object said to unify their efforts and bring great prosperity.

Inspired by this promise, every squirrel worked tirelessly but independently, striving to collect as many nuts as possible. Despite their hard work, progress was slow, and the goal seemed unattainable.

One day, a clever squirrel realized that if they pooled their resources, they could reach the goal much faster. He rallied the other squirrels and convinced them to converge their efforts. 1000 squirrels formed a united front, working collaboratively to gather the gazillion nuts.

When the Squirrel King saw their collective effort, he was overjoyed. This had been his plan all along—to encourage the squirrels to work together and make the Dark Forest a better place to live. In recognition of their unity and hard work, the Squirrel King rewarded each of them with a golden nut.

These golden nuts, however, held an extraordinary secret. As the squirrels continued to work together, the nuts began to change, with rays of light slowly shimmering from within. The light grew brighter and brighter until, at last, the golden nut cracked open, triggering a Cambrian explosion of transformation. The once ordinary squirrels were transformed into magical beings, each unique and powerful. Simultaneously, the Dark Forest underwent a stunning metamorphosis, becoming a vibrant, colorful place brimming with life and color.

These transformed squirrels were not just tokens of their hard work but powerful symbols of what could be achieved through collaboration. The Squirrel King’s vision of a harmonious and prosperous community had been realized. Through their unity, the squirrels had unlocked the true potential of the golden nuts, mirroring the journey and growth of their Treehouse community.

This story symbolizes and sums up the essence of our Treehouse Protocol. Just as the squirrels overcame inefficiency and achieved prosperity by working together, our protocol aims to unify efforts within the DeFi space to address fragmented interest rates. Through tETH, we are creating a collaborative ecosystem where participants work together to optimize yield, enhance security, and democratize access to fixed income strategies. The golden nuts represent the transformative power of unity and collaboration, mirroring how tETH can revolutionize the market by bringing efficiency and harmony.

Utility and Roadmap

Here at Treehouse, we have not just created an LST with actual utility and real yield – we have also given our very own NFT collection increased utility!

 Here’s how owning a Treehouse Squirrel Council NFT can benefit you:

  1. Join the Revolution: Demonstrate your unwavering support for the Treehouse Protocol and its pioneering fixed-income DeFi primitive.
  2. Exclusive Access: Gain exclusive access to the limited physical edition of our thesis: “One Rate to Rule Them All.”
  3. Future Perks: Unlock exclusive future benefits within the Treehouse Protocol ecosystem (Probably Nothing).

Early September: tAssets Launch
Launch of tETH, the first tAsset, on Ethereum, designed to unify fragmented ETH interest rates and provide enhanced yield opportunities for holders.

Late September: Integration into tAssets
The Treehouse Squirrel Council will be integrated into the tAssets ecosystem, granting additional benefits to Treehouse Squirrel Council holders who join Treehouse in the journey to converge the fragmented on-chain interest rate markets. 

Late September: Art Reveal
As the journey to on-chain interest rate convergence progresses, the Treehouse Squirrel Council will slowly evolve as the story unfolds, ultimately turning into 1,000 unique magical squirrels led by the squirrel king.

Mid Q4: Physical Thesis Ships Out!
Fulfilling our promise, the physical limited edition of our thesis, ‘One Rate to Rule Them All,’ will be shipped free of charge to all Treehouse Squirrel Council holders directly to their preferred locations!

Late Q4 to 2025 Onwards: Integration into DOR
The Treehouse Squirrel Council will be integrated into the DOR mechanism and the broader Treehouse ecosystem to receive additional rewards. Stay tuned!

Minting Live on Magic Eden!

Minting of Treehouse’s first NFT, Treehouse Squirrel Council (TSC), is now live on Magic Eden! Mint your squirrels and journey with us as we create the new fixed income primitives!